Serial EEPROM ISP Programmers
In System Programmers - ISP - for serial EEPROMs, including 24C, 25C and 93C EEPROMs plus AT17LVxxx and AT17F FPGA configurator EEPROMs
Serial EEPROM ISP Programmer
USB ISP for Serial EEPROMs and AT17 Configurators
USB In System Programmer - ISP - for 24C, 25C and 93C serial EEPROM devices from any manufacturer and Atmel AT17LVxxx and AT17Fxxx FPGA configurators....
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Price: $99.00
EEPROM Programming Board
Serial EEPROM Programming Board
Simple programming board for in-socket programming of serial EEPROMs with Kanda ISP programmer. Supports 93, 24 and 25 series serial EEPROMs from all manufacturers in 8-pin DIL packages.
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Price: $19.99
Serial EEPROM Programming Board
Programming board for 24, 25 and 93 series serial EEPROMs, in 8-pin DIP or SOIC packages. Powered by supplied mini-USB lead. Used with EEISP-U...
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Price: $45.00
IC Test Clips for EEISP-U
3M IC test clip set for connecting EEISP-U programmer to devices in circuit. If you want to program or read devices without removing them from a PCB, these clips allow you to do it.
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Price: $69.00
AT17 Programming Board
AT17 Programming Board
Programming board with sockets for AT17 FPGA configurators in 20-pin PLCC and 8-pin SOIC packages. The EEISP-U ISP programmer connects to the header on the board making this a socket programmer...
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Price: $49.00
PRESTO USB Programmer for Memory
PRESTO USB programmer
Very fast in system programmer, self powered from USB bus, with enhanced ICSP programming capability. This USB programmer supports a wide range of serial memory, including Serial EEPROM, Serial Flash and Dataflash,
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Price: $119.00
IC Test clips for PRESTO
IC Test Clips
IC test clip set for connecting to devices in circuit. If you want to program or read devices without removing them from a PCB, these clips allow you to do it.
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Price: $54.00
Kanda serial EEPROM programmers use ISP programming to copy, read and program serial EEPROM devices. Device supported including all 24 Series (I2C), 25 series (SPI) and 93 series (Microwire) serial EEPROMs.
The EEISP-U programmer also supports AT17LVxxx and AT17Fxxx FPGA configurator EEPROMs. The software supports Xylinx files, reset polarity and other features to setup your FPGA configuration.
Programming Boards
To convert your In System Programmer into a socket programmer, Kanda supply EEPROM programming boards with different sockets.
The programmers are supported by GUI version and a free DLL and command line (Console) package for integration into user software and ATE systems.
PRESTO-M programmer from Asix supports most EEPROM chips and also supports PIC and AVR microcontrollers.
IC Test Clips
IC Test clips are available for connecting to chips in circuit so the device can be read and programmed without removing it from the board. 8-pin DIL and 8-pin SOIC packages are supported. The programmer itself comes with flying leads for connecting to these test clips or to pin headers on the PCB.