How do the different microcontrollers work?

Kanda has a long history of supplying the finest programming utensils. Our team can even offer you first rate handheld programmers. These are perfect for working on a wide range of microcontrollers. Examples include AVR, ATxmega, and Atmel SAMD variants. They are the most versatile programmer to have at your disposal, so definitely worth a look.

A popular preference

These days, microcontrollers are easy to obtain and cheap. As a result, many people prefer using them to logic circuits. They do this because they can discount some space and gain a bit of design flexibility. Some robots and machines feature a series of the controllers to dedicate them to an array of tasks.

Many fresh microcontrollers are In System Programmable (ISP). This means you can alter the program without changing the controller’s position. That makes them even more useful.

You may be planning to use handheld programmers to program your devices. If so, you need to know the differences between them. Read on to find out.

PIC controllers

These are some of the most popular products on the market. The PIC stands for Peripheral Interface Controller. With them, it is easy and quick to implement programs, giving them a big advantage over other models. That they are so simple to use is the main reason they are so popular.

We are aware of the fact that a microcontroller is an integrated chip. It is one that includes COUNTERS, TIMER, CPU, ROM, and RAM. In addition, it has DAC (digital to analogue converter) and ADC (analogue to digital converter).

Another interesting fact is that the controller supports a number of protocols. Examples are UART, SPI, and CAN. This is for interfacing with extra peripherals. PIC is primarily utilised to alter Harvard architecture. It also supports RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer).

The AVR design

This type was developed by Atmel. AVR gets its name from the establishment that developed it. It stands for Alf-Egil Bogen Vengard Wollan RISC. The first one to arrive on the commercial market was the AT90S1200 but now there are many options.

You can find the AVR in three categories.

The first is TinyAVR. There is less memory here and, as you would expect, it is a smaller size. It is ideal for more straightforward applications.

Secondly, we have MegaAVR. These tend to be the most popular since they have a decent memory and a larger quantity of inbuilt peripherals. Use these for modest and complex applications.

Finally, there is XmegaAVR. People use this type commercially for the most complex projects. Usually they need high speed and a large program memory, so other options are not enough.

Handheld programmers make jobs easier

At Kanda you can find programmers to suit any requirements. We even have models that provide the advantage of being able to program a target device by pressing a single button. This is fast, convenient, and less cumbersome than having to carry more equipment.

You can learn more about handheld programmers and other models on our website. Then, if you would like to purchase anything from us, you can do so in just a few clicks. Plus, you can get in touch if you need advice.

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