AVR Programming – ISP, JTAG, TPI, PDI and UPDI

When AVR microcontrollers were first introduced in 1995, In System Programming was simple, with one programming method (Serial Programming Interface or SPI) and a recommended 5 x 2 10-pin target interface. For 10-15 years, this stayed the same except for the addition of JTAG programming on some devices and a move towards a 3 x 2 6-pin target header. In the last few years, new interfaces have sprouted like weeds, including TPI, PDI and UPDI. What do this all mean and how does it affect you?

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Two ways of programming AVR controllers

Our ISP programmers are handy little devices. They allow users to program other contraptions in their finished circuits. In System Programming circuits aren’t that complex because they only consist of a few components. This makes them a cost efficient way of introducing extra flexibility. If you want one of these programming gadgets, you’ve come to the right place. Continue reading “Two ways of programming AVR controllers” »

Microcontrollers, training, electronics and coding
